Hello~! You have reached the landing page for the works of Z.M. CELESTAIRE. Z.M. is a queer fantasy author and illustrator located in Minnesota. They have a handful of published works including The Heartwood Trilogy and Call Forth the Moonlight. Most of the other works featured on this site are ancient and really embarrassing, but are an important component of how Z.M. has gotten to where they are today.

Z.M.’s writing projects are comprised of ‘manga’ (novels that used panels and speech bubbles to tell a story) and prose, and vary in length from small novellas to multi-part novels. Most of these projects include fantasy elements and all but two of them are urban fantasy, set in our own world with magic existing in or around real things. Most of Z.M.’s stories tackle themes pertinent to their real life, including the death of a pet, feminism, Christianity (I have long since become an atheist, don’t worry), dream interpretation and the loss of friendships, and queer rights.
Below you will find a chronological list of all of these projects. Each image links to a page where you can read more about the projects.
The projects will be separated for your exploration based on chronology and length.
A Timeline of Projects
Click on each photo to go to their individual pages and learn more about each story.

This four-volume manga series follows the dramatic exploits of housecat-turned-teenager Nikkei, his family, and some killer vampires.

In a world of magical element kings, four special children hold the fate of the kings in their hands, and the love of one of the children and the king might destroy them all.

When Ashlyn Taylor gets trapped in a half-dream cityscape, she must hunt down the dream master before she turns into one of her dreamy unfaces forever.
Code: Compromised

University student Micah has always loved Master Code Summoner Andrew Vidasche. But Micah’s childhood Codey, Peel, turns into a dangerous Error bent on destroying Andrew.
Z.M. (they/them) is a writer, artist, and therapist. Writing and art have been a hobby for some twenty years now since they were a goofy little middle schooler. Z.M. grew up devouring urban fantasy authors like Charles De Lint, Holly Black, and Patricia C. Wrede.
Z.M. lives in Saint Paul with their spouse, human child, and fur children.
You can find all of Z.M.’s published books on Goodreads.