The misty unface people in the dreams of Ashlyn Taylor never frightened her. But when she falls into the dreaming world, Ashlyn must attempt to unravel the path that brought her there before she disappears from existence. This surreal novella is a struggle between Ashlyn’s power over her dreams and the deadly grip of her mysterious dream master. Set on the streets of downtown Minneapolis and in the shifting scenery of Ashlyn’s dream world, this story is full of tension, speed, and introspection.

This story is heavily inspired by works such as Miyazaki’s Spirited Away, but much is also drawn from my own dreams and life experiences. I wrote this novel in one go and did not struggle with it at all. I think this was because I was using a real location into which I could pour real details, and many of the characters were inspired by real people, whose quirks and memories I could use. I got to utilize my art background and actually looked at it from a new perspective because of this project. I used real themes from my own dreams. I kind of got to idealize my own life by putting Ashlyn into my life minus my own annoyances.
Any Recurring Characters?
Micah appears briefly as Ashlyn’s older brother. Ashlyn gets insight and guidance from her old art professor, Andrew Vidasche. Ashlyn’s best friend and waking companion is Sophie/Ingrid.
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The Catcher
Andrew Vidasche is a grumpy man who hates his job. But his job isn’t an office job, or a teaching job, or even a law enforcement job. No — Andrew Vidasche catches fairies. It is a dangerous job he makes possible through the use of glass-blowing himself charmed bottles to catch the fairies. His only assistant is the half-fairy, half-man, Karoh — that is, until he takes custody of Evelynne Meadows. His niece, a brooding sixteen-year-old with as much attitude as Andrew, shakes up his routine and forces Andrew to confront the unethical behavior required of him by his tyrannical boss, The Captain.
In this concise, tender story of courage and companionship, old magic meets new heart with plenty of laughter and tears along the way.

Technically this is a spinoff from Rebels since that was the first story where Andrew and Evelynne were uncle and niece. Other than that, I don’t really think I had any wicked flashes of inspiration besides simply wanting to write a story about faeries, and about Andrew at his grumpiest.
Any Recurring Characters?
At this point, this iteration of Andrew was most closely related to Rebels, and also borrowed Evelynne from there. The cast was quite small and the only other folks in it were original to The Catcher.
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Per Aspera ad Astra
Julian Abdulahi created a life for himself where he gets to save people from supernatural terrors. Sometimes he helps dumb drunk college kids from getting destroyed by swamp monsters, or rescues baby griffins from treehouses. But he had no idea what he was getting into when he helped a girl who burned like an inferno when she panicked. The girl named Shey enchants him in every way, but her condition puts them both into life-threatening danger. Can they learn to understand what’s happening to her, and why they can’t seem to get enough of each other, before her panic brings about the demise of them both?

This story was meant to explore the beginnings of a relationship around the backdrop of mental health issues. Julian is sort of a magical empath (like myself) who finds someone buried by her panic attacks (like I was). The smart thing for Julian to do would be to leave Shey and focus on his work, but passion has other plans for him, something we can all relate to.
Any Recurring Characters?
Julian is THE Julian from Nikkei. He even has a long scene featuring Micah and even Cinnamon (Nikkei). I think I might have thrown some others in, but these are the most notable recurring characters.
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A story inspired by one of my favorite writers of my teens, Frank Peretti, who wrote high-drama Christian fiction about the literal spiritual warfare happening just out of our sight. It follows a discouraged born-again Christian (Micah) who became a paraplegic after a drunk driving accident, who finds inspiration by offering guidance to a messy and angry teenager.

I was feeling preachy.
Any Recurring Characters?
Micah is the protagonist and “Jeremiah” is sort of a sequel to Caleb from Rebels and seems like a cousin to Jonas from Cadence. I think Azrael was probably someone too but I don’t know who. Azrael from Rebels didn’t look anything like this.
short story
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